Bullnose or Starting Step: This is the bottom tread which curves out from the stair. It is bmade
to hold the balusters from using a volute fitting or a Box Newel post.
Code for Bullnose: Same as a tread.
Newel Post or Box Newels: The main supports for the railing. These are large enough to support
the weight of the rail with the balusters.
Code for Posts: The heights can vary according to the height of the railing.
Balusters: The thinner vertical supports which are usually wooden or iron. They are used under
the railing and on the stair.
Codes for Balusters: The baluster must be spaced so that a 4" sphere cannot pass between any
part of the rail, balusters, or newel posts parts. Cannot be used in a manner which may create a horizontal "ladder" effect.
Fittings: These are the decorative pieces used on the rail either to change the height of the
rail, create an "over-the-post" system with the rail, or Terminate the rail at the bottom of the stair.
Landing Tread or Nosing: This is used to enable the balusters and the newels to the floor. Can
be used to terminate the hardwood flooring and matches 3/4" unfinished flooring.
Rosette or Half Newel: Used to terminate the rail into a wall or column.
Shoerail: Runs horizontally under the rail at the bottom. Used to terminate square bottom balusters
into it's notch. Used inconjunction with fillet, which completes the open spaces between the balusters.